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Monday, December 26, 2011

Presentation BEL 312

huhh ! first of all nak ckp yg serious nerveous giler nak mati laa kan, tak tau knpe i'm soo nerveous, maybe bcos of presenter pd hari yg terakhir kan, so lecturer expect more than others yg present before. i'm present about Media Prima Berhad, i'm sure uolls know that company, it's the big company in Malaysia tau, sbnrnye byk bnde yg saye blh ckp on that day tp xtau knpe, disebabkan nerveous yg melampau tu kan, time slide terakhir pown saya xterangkan, haish, i'm not giving up, just feel a little bit dissatisfied with my presentation, hopefully after this i can do another assessment with the right way and in a good way and ofcoz in excellent way ! wish me luck ok ! ohh, i forgot one more thing, my presentation is only about 4 minute, can u just imagine what the hell i'm bubbling on that day ?? herkk, :( *so sad..

here are some of my classmate presentation :

*this is me actually :) hehe


Anonymous said...

remenanscene down lane

gud luck in study!

Nanie Nazyra said...

hehe, thank you :)

pingu ^_^ said...

style laa stdnt ipb wat presentati0n , dh mcm kt blik meeting , pki k0t , ngn spek mata lgg , wahhh mcm aar0n aziz ngn siti saleha dlm cte n0ra elena gitu , bhahahahahaha

Nanie Nazyra said...

ney pingu btol ke tipu ney? cam kenal je cara type meseg tu kan? haha,